Cisco IOS ACL access-list remark, 시스코 IOS ACL 주석아이티보리/Network 2022. 1. 19. 14:19728x90
Cisco IOS ACL access-list remark,
시스코 IOS ACL 주석 몇 자까지 작성 가능한가 알아보자Cisco IOS ACL access-list remark
최대 100자 길이의 설명 작성 가능하다. 더 길면 잘린단다
Command Reference
To write a helpful comment (remark) for an entry in a named IP access list, use the remark access-list configuration command. To remove the remark, use the no form of this command. remark remark no remark remark Syntax Description remark Comment that descr
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